We Help Businesses !
We understand business issues. Including 'Trade Secrets, Patent and Trademark Issues, and other business Issues. Call for friendly, helpful and free initial consultation.
We Help Individuals !
We have represented many individuals in legal disputes. Call for friendly, helpfull and free initial consultation
We Help Attorneys !
We provide expertise and full support for your IP cases. Call for friendly, helpful and free initial consultation.

Patent Trademark Infringement Attorney Site

We are intellectual property lawyers who believe in affordable, effective representation. We practice in federal courts, and can assist in any federal court matter. We collectively have experience in patent litigation, trademark litigation, copyright litigation, trade secret litigation, INTERNIC disputes, and antitrust law.

We have experience with international cases too. We can represent foreign (non-US) clients in US courts.

We know there are many ways to move forward in a case, and we believe in providing options to the client. We know how to move a case toward settlement, if this is the client's goal. We strive to protect our client's interests during the discovery phase. We know how to focus our efforts to minimize costs, when this is needed. And, we know how to fight for every right, when this is needed.

Our senior attorneys each have over 25 years experience with litigation and with IP matters. This includes patent lawsuits and other disputes, trademark lawsuits and other disputes, copyright lawsuits and other disputes, and trade secret lawsuits. We have collectively been involved in major lawsuits involving large sums, and also in relatively small lawsuits.

We want to help our clients, so we are accessible and friendly. We explain what is happening, and what it means. We make sure you have options. And, we help you control costs.

We understand how to use motions, at every stage of the proceedings. We understand how to limit discovery issues, to reduce the discovery burdens on the client.

We are always happy to consult with your attorney or law firm, to provide expertise and help as needed. We can help your attorneys or law firm in a pending dispute.

Where do we practice? Throughout the United States for federal matters (although some jurisdictions might require that we include local counsel). We collectively practice in state courts in MD, NY, NJ, IL, and Washington DC; and in all other states with assistance of local counsel.